winprint 2.0

winprint - Advanced source code and text file printing for PowerShell.

By Charlie Kindel
@ckindel on Twitter

Installation Instructions

winprint 2.0 is almost not beta. It works well (on my machine), and I’ve had a dozen or so users verify it works well for them; see Issues.*

Please report any problems or feature requests here.


On Windows

Go to Releases. Copy the install script from the release page an paste into a PowerShell console.

Once installed, winprint can be started from the Start menu or as PowerShell CmdLet (out-winprint). The installer adds winprint to the PATH, but does not automatically add an import-module command to the Powershell profile.

On Linux

Good luck. Start by cloning the winprint repo, installing .NET Core 3, and building. Then I have some C++ libraries I’m using under the covers that you’ll have to grab and build too. You’ll need JUST THE RIGHT version of libgdiplus. It might help if you re-compile your kernel. You know, all the stuff reqruied to make anything work on one of several Linux distros. Did I mention how much I hate linux? Seriously, it does work on Linux. But until someone begs me for it, I’m not spending another second on trying to build an installer. Submit an Issue (or Pull Request!) if you really want help.

On Mac

I haven’t even tried as my old Macbook Air died and Apple wont fix it. I refuse to buy anything from Apple (except for for my family who are all all-in with Apple…sigh). I’ll buy beer for someone who contributes to getting the Mac version working. It should not be hard given I’ve proven the stupid things works on Linux already.